Why we make mistakes

Hallinan, J. T. (2009). Why we make mistakes: How we look without seeing, forget things in seconds, and are all pretty sure that we are way above average. New York: Broadway Books.

Why do we make mistakes? Here's my blurb for the back cover of the book:

"Yup, people make mistakes all the time. In his engaging book, Joseph Hallinan entertains us while simultaneously informing us. There have been decades of science devoted to understanding real human behavior, much of it buried in the complex terminology of technical journals. Hallinan brings the science to life, showing how it applies in everyday life to everyday people."

The subtitle covers the major themes well: we look without seeing, we forget things in seconds (unless we pay special attention), and we are all pretty sure that we are way above average. This book provides a modern review of the behavioral science research on everyday behavior.

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