Consulting and Talks

I have retired (for the 5th time).

** I am now Distinguished Professor and Founding Director of the UC San Diego Design Lab, emeritus. (Emeritus = "retired but allowed to retain their title as an honor.")

For students and young professionals
For anything besides engagements, talks or consulting, read the guidelines for writing to me.

Speaking engagements

Instead of lectures, I offer "Discussions with Don Norman." It is more enjoyable and effective for the audience if I give a short introductory talk followed by an long Question and Answer period. By responding to questions, I ensure that what I say will be relevant to the audience.

These procedure is also very effective via video engagements because the question-asker and I are in direct, face-to-face interaction. This requires someone to monitor questions and select the ones most relevant to the audience to give to me.

All my commercial engagements are handled by my Speaker's Bureau,
BrightSight Speakers.

Tom Neilssen
BrightSight Speakers
Tom at
Tel. +1 609 924-3060 extension 16


I no longer am an active consultant. I have retired from most advisory and company boards (and will soon retire from the ones remaining).

Nielsen Norman Group

I have retired from the Nielsen Norman Group: My title is now Co-Founder and Principal, emeritus.

Photographs suitable for publication

Photographs suitable for publication. Permission for use is hereby granted.


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Biographical sketches (a Microsoft Word file)
Academic Résumé (a PDF file)


Updated February 26, 2022

I am trying to be kind both to the environment and to my aging body by reducing travel to essentials. The enforced quarantine of COVID-19 helped me keep this promise, although I did go to London in October 2021 for a week to receive an honor and visit friends, new and old. Fortunately, that period marked a lull in COVID.

At this time, I have no travel or speaking plans (not even by video): Video discussions are still available: see Consulting and Talks (