Videos and Interviews


Don Norman, a former Apple vice-president, co-founder of the Nielsen Norman Group, and one of the world's most influential designers, discusses his new book, Living With Complexity. Norman talks about differences between complexity, something being complicated, and simplicity, and suggests that people who bemoan "technology" don't actually seek simplicity. He also discusses differences between designing a product and designing a system, using examples of iPods and iTunes, the Amazon Kindle, and BMW's Mini Cooper -- products whose success depended upon the success of larger systems. Norman also notes the difference between a forcing function and a nudge, explains how complicated rules can weaken security, and comments on sociable design in realspace and on the internet.

Podcast on "Living with Complexity" at "Surprisingly Free".

Video of Stanford University talk "Living with Complexity"

(April 8, 2011) Don Norman speaks about complexity in everyday life and how design helps us understand and cope with complexity. Norman gives many examples of complexity and design working together to create understanding for the consumer and asks, "Why do we need complexity? Because what we really want is understanding, so, it's about design."

Video of Stanford Talk

Talk on "Trust" at TEDx Hogeschool Utrecht:

Interview in Design (magazine) on UX design: In Korean

Summary of Interview: translation from Google translate (I cleaned it up dramatically).

Last November 8, hosted by KAIST industrial design department and UXEYE, there was a 'UX Symposium" in Seoul.  After Don Norman's lecture we met with him to ask questions about UX design.

The interview

Video of talk at dConstruct conference, Brighton, UK

Emotional Design for the World of Objects

Welcome to the world of atoms. The human body is part of the physical world. It savors touch and feeling, movement and action. How else to explain the popularity of physical devices, of games that require gestures, and full-body movement? Want to develop for this new world? There are new rules for interacting with the world, new rules for the developers of systems.

The video

**Guardian article "Why do some people really hate Apple?" **

Article by Charles Arthur, Technology Editor of the Guardian (UK) Newspaper, based, in part, on an interview with me.

You don't have to go far on the web or even everyday life to find people happy to say it: they hate Steve Jobs and all he stood for, and those who buy things from Apple - the "sheeple", in an oft-used phrase - are simply buying stuff for no reason than its marketing, or advertising. Apple, they say, is a giant con trick.

Why do they care? Because, says Don Norman, ...

The article