Universal Principles of Design.

I was in downtown Chicago with a few hours to kill, so of course I headed for the nearest bookstore and starting browsing in the Design section. Lo and behold, I found this book.

An hour later I was still there, still reading. So I bought it. The subtitle tells all: 100 Ways to Enhance Usability, Influence Perception, Increase Appeal, Make Better Design Decisions, and Teach Through Design.

Now that I have had time to study the book more carefully, all I can add to the subtitle is "Yes!" 100 ways, in alphabetical order, each succinctly explained, each with just a few authoritative references, and each with one page devoted to illustrations of the principle.

Absolutely required reading, required owning. Every designer should own it. My students should all read it. What else can I say? Learn more about the authors and the book at their company website, Stuff Creators. Link to book at Amazon.com