UC San Diego Postdoc in Human-Centered Healthcare

**The Design Lab at UC San Diego: Opening for Design Fellow for Human-Centered Healthcare Design **

The Design Lab at the University of California, San Diego is embarking upon a large, major project in healthcare for complex problems. We are working with the Medical School, various departments at UC San Diego, and several funding agencies in this endeavor. The emphasis is on the processes and structure associated with modern healthcare. This project is NOT about the design of healthcare technologies, instrumentation, or equipment, although these will undoubtedly play a role. To understand the scope of the project, see the DesignX manifesto: we consider this project to be an example of DesignX: see http://www.jnd.org/designx_a_future_path_for_design/

We seek a Design Fellow to assist with a project to better understand the complex cognitive ecosystem of healthcare who can help us define, explore, and implement new processes and procedures aimed at improving medical care for complex cases.. We seek someone with experience in both field and experimental work. Desirable skills include field observation, analysis of complex sociotechnical systems, and experience in both healthcare and human-centered design. The position will be for two years with possible extension for a third year. This is a postdoctoral position requiring the terminal degree appropriate to your discipline. In fields such as Computer Science, Psychology, Cognitive Science, Medicine, HCI, or Human Factors, this is the PhD or MD. For those in Design, this is an MFA or the equivalent.

Design Lab (designlab.ucsd.edu)

We are a newly established organization located at UC San Diego campus in the California Institute of Telecommunication and Information Technology, which gives us freedom to move seamlessly across all the departments, schools, and divisions of the university. Our advisory board includes people from Management, Engineering, Visual Arts and Theater, and the Social Sciences and we are working closely with people from the Medical School.

Our goal is to advance the state of the science and practice of design, where design is defined as the deliberate creation of artifacts that enhance people and society. An artifact can be a physical device, a process, procedure, or service. Our primary focus is on the interaction of technology and people and how artifacts change our interactions with the world. This project addresses some of the major challenges in healthcare.

**How do I apply? **

Send your résumé or CV, a one-page essay, and the email addresses of three references to designfellows@designlab.ucsd.edu. The essay should tell us how you can contribute to this specific project, what excites you, what impact you aspire to, and what you hope to accomplish while a Design Fellow.

**When can I apply? **

The current deadline for applications is July 1, 2015 but the position will remain open until filled.

How much does the position pay?

The University classifies this as a Postdoctoral position. All recipients receive the same stipend of US $60,000/year.

When does the position start?

The starting date can be immediate or as soon as you are available.

Will foreign applicants be considered?


UC San Diego is an Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) employer and welcomes all qualified applicants. Applicants will receive fair and impartial consideration without regard to race, sex, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, genetic data, or other legally protected status.