A deluge of interviews and recordings

With each new book comes a deluge of interviews, articles, reviews, and recordings. The latest book, The Design of Future Things, is no exception. Here are the ones I enjoyed the most.

In December, 2007, I spent an entire day with John Tierney, science writer for the New York Times, exploring the elevators and washrooms of the New York Times building, touring the streets and stores of Manhattan. The result was one story and two NY Times blogs:

Why Nobody Likes a Smart Machine (N. Y. Times Science Section: December 18, 2007).

John Tierney's NY Times Blog 1: Scientific Breakthrough: How to wash your hands. (Photographs by me.)

John Tierney's NY Times Blog 2: Smart elevators, dumb people

Candace Lombardi's CNET print interview: Tech design with thought.

And lots of audio interviews and radio programs:

A Digital CafeĀ interview with Mario Armstrong:

Interview on the Leonard Lopate Show (WNYC, New York Public Radio)

Peter Merholz interview (54 minutes)

Core77 Interview with Bruce Thorp

NOTE: Sadly the interviews with Candace Lombardi, and Mario Armstrong are no longer avalaible